Hardi Service & Support
Spray Pressure
Spray pressure influences spraying effectiveness in crops by 3 ways:
Pressure influences the spray angle: the higher the pressure...
Protecting the Environment
For many years, 7 to 8 km/h have in general, been considered good practice. It is an option that is still of value for today.Incr...
Optimize Spray Technique
Be prepared to optimize spraying technique “on the go”Rather compromise on drop size than timing.In many applications - from fungi...
Droplet Sizes
The droplet spectrumAll agricultural nozzles produce a range of drop sizes. This is a useful feature as the crops to be sprayed al...
Calibration for Field Crop
Check driving speed:Half fill the spray tank with water.Mark out 100 m – note time to drive the distance.Driving speed formula: Di...
Protecting the Environment
A wind streamer mounted in front of the tractor will help to show the operator which way the wind is blowing and its likely force....
Filling the Sprayer
Reduce risks when adding plant protection productsAdd the plant protection products to the sprayer in the field so that you:avoid ...